Green Pastures
Wonderful what a bit of rain does for the countryside. Driving from Bairnsdale through the country to Chewton. Despite extra driving time this is the way to go. Up and down hills, around corners, switchback roads and very little traffic. Some nice music playing and just enjoying the day. I come over a crest and 'oh that is so beautiful' just escapes my mouth. Rolling green hills like a bunched up quilt on an unmade bed and feathery morning mist still rising from the valley.

On a lovely Saturday morning I donned my overalls and headed from the Orchard Cottage in Chewton to nearby Kyneton for a day long wooden spoon carving workshop. Wow I had not driven in such fog ever. The sun was shining in a bright blue sky when I left about 8am and then hit the Calder Highway and there it was fog as thick as a winter blanket. Made it to Kyneton in time for class. Had a ball with 5 other students in a workshop space heated by a large open fire. We all chose a lump of green sassafras and a Swedish carving axe and off we went. Drawing a spoon outline on the wooden we carved away. We all got so hot and sweaty Pete had to prop the door open. Then a straight and a curved knife and many Band-Aids, laughter and general conversation later - voila- a beautiful wooden spoon. No sanding, just gorgeous small knife marks that will wear down with time.