Apologies to my rowing machine
How can 18 months race by so quickly?
Life has not stood still for one moment since I last posted on my blog. Back in Darwin right now to welcome another grandson into the world, hug my first grandson, the amazing young adults my children have turned into and my wonderful friends who always welcome me back to the Territory and what had been my home for most of my life.
Despite the joy of being back with my family for just a little while, I am a bit homesick for my little cottage in Victoria. I am looking forward to being back in my forever home, working in the garden, watching my winter vegies grow and hundreds of bulbs reaching towards the sun. No idea as yet what they may grow into but that is the promise of joys yet to come.

My tiny home has already seen visitors from my family and friends. Its walls have embraced cheek to jowl sleeping, eating, drinking and laughing and felt the joy in my heart as I hug and receive hugs from people close to my heart. My grandson has watered plants, picked up leaves, watched birds in the trees and collected rocks. I have mastered my 1940’s Parkinson Swift oven/stove and my kitchen has already smelled home baked bread, cakes and other yummy goodies. The shelves hold plates and bowls made by my artist friends, brightly painted cups hang waiting to be used for warming cups of coffee and the walls are hugged by artwork from my amazing artist friends.

I have made new friends, discovered new country and am enjoying making a difference working at a historic house and garden. My little bockety studio is set up and I have spent many hours creating while being able to look out into the garden, listening to music over the sound of the gas torch as I am watching glass wondrously being turned into beads, mushrooms, chickens or trees for my mixed media vignettes. My rowing machine looks on sadly from the corner as I have neglected it lately but hey pushing umpteen wheelbarrows full of soil up the hill is enough exercise for the moment.

Yes, the winter is cold and sees me don layers of socks, tights, shirts and jumpers which are slowly discarded during the day as I wield the spade or mattock to create garden beds for natives, grasses and also roses. The backyard will stay as is with majestic eucalypts spreading their branches and shading a little grove of mossy rocks and sharing the space with silvery olive trees.

When I sit in the winter sunshine, rugged up, eating breakfast, looking across the landscape, lit by the light shining through the last golden leaves hanging onto the trees, I know how lucky I am to have everything that I need and I am grateful for all the joys in my life.